Design for Music

Album covers, posters and stuff.

Promo poster design for Polkanoseā€™s music single High beam.
Music Cover design done for Polkanoseā€™s single Textin perlin. What u see is different types of Perlin noise imageries raptured, distorted and overlaid with some other stuffs.
Music Cover design for Polkanoses single BeatTwo, a techno musician based in India.
Music Cover design for Polkanose single Aerodrome. Polkanose is a techno musician based in India.
QR code sticker for Polkanose.
Music video launch poster for Arounds, a folk/experimental music band from Kerala.
Poster for Arounds live performance at International Theatre Festival of Kerala.
Screen print and mixed media handmade album cover design for Arounds.
Poster for Arounds live performance at Hilltop Goa collective bazar.